Implementation of a Robust Optical Flow Method for Color Images
Nelson Monzón, Javier Sánchez and Agustín Salgado
Centro de Tecnologías de la Imagen
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain


We analyse the influence of colour information in optical flow methods. Typically, most of these techniques compute their solutions using grayscale intensities due to its simplicity and faster processing, ignoring the colour features. However, the current processing systems have minimized their computational cost and, on the other hand, it is reasonable to assume that a colour image offers more details from the scene which should facilitate finding better flow fields. The aim of this work is to determine if a multi-channel approach supposes a quite enough improvement to justify its use. In order to address this evaluation, we use a multi-channel implementation of a well-known TV-L1 method. Furthermore, we review in the original work the state-of-the-art in colour optical flow methods. In the experiments, we study various solutions using grayscale and RGB images from recent evaluation datasets to verify the colour benefits in motion estimation.

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[1] Monzón López, N, Sánchez Pérez, J& Salgado de la Nuez, A.J.. (2012) Implementation of a Robust Optical Flow Method for Color Images.CTIM Technical Report.(4).Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

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In this page you can find the code of a multi-channel implementation of a variational technique to determine if the colour information benefits the optical flow calculation. We perform our evaluation with some widely used sequences from the Middlebury benchmark database and the open source movies from the MPI-Sintel flow data set. The code is developed in standard C++ and it has been compiled in Windows and Linux, using the GNU gcc compiler. The software is released under the BSD license

You can compile it executing make on the console

Energy model

Let I(x): Ω ⊂ R3 → R be an image sequence, with x=(x,y,t)T ∈ Ω, I={Ic}{c=1,...,C} and C the number of channels. We define the optical flow as a dense mapping, w(x)}=(u(x),v(x),1)T, between every two consecutive images, where u(x) and v(x) are the vector fields that represent the x and y displacements, respectively. We use ∇ I= (Icx,Icy)T{c=1,...,C} to denote the spatial gradient of the image, with Icx, Icy the first order derivatives in x and y for each information channel. Following the original model, we assume that the brightness constancy assumption is also fulfilled in the multi-channel scheme. Then, according to this notation, our energy functional reads as:
where energymodel2 as a robustification function and ε as a prefixed small constant to ensure that this function is strictly convex. We use the Euclidean norm, euclidean_norm

The energy model of Brox et al uses brightness and gradient constancy assumptions in the data term and a TV scheme for smoothing. It depends on the γ and α parameters for controlling the gradient and the smoothness strength, respectively. Notice that the influence of γ is increased proportional to the number of channels. We compensate this situation by adapting the smoothness parameter α, therefore, α = α ∙ C, being α ∙ an input parameter. An example of this multi-channel scheme can be seen in Fig 1.

Fig. 1. Notation for grayscale and colour images.

Experimental Results

This subsection presents an evaluation of the possible benefits of colour against grayscale information in a variational optical flow method. We show the experiments for some synthetic sequences from the Middlebury benchmark database and MPI-Sintel dataset using RGB and grayscale images. The purpose of these tests is to compare motion details between the best flows achieved for the same sequence.

Figures 2, 3 and 4 show the results for the Middlebury sequences of Grove3, RubberWhale and Urban2, respectively. On the other hand, Figures 5, 6 and 7 depict the best flows and its details for the sequences of Bandage 1, Bandage 2 and Ambush 5 from MPI-Sintel dataset.

In the first column of these figures, we show the colour scheme used for the optical flow representation, the grayscale and the colour images. In the second column, we depict the ground truth and the motion fields for grayscale and RGB, respectively. The remaining columns present motion details for the corresponding solutions. The colour scheme represents the orientation and magnitude of the vector field.

Fig. 2. Motion details for the Grove3 sequence.

Fig. 3. Motion details for the RubberWhale sequence.

Fig. 4. Motion details for the Urban2 sequence.

Fig. 5. Motion details for the Bandage 1 sequence.

Fig. 6. Motion details for the Bandage 2 sequence.

Fig. 7. Motion details for the Ambush 5 sequence.

According to the results, we conclude that the colour information benefits the optical flow estimation. In general, the motion boundaries are better preserved and the error decreases perceptibly, especially in Figures 2 and 7.

Quantitative Results

Next, we show the numerical results provided by the best configurations of α and γ to compare the accuracy of using colour or grayscale in these two datasets. On the other hand, it is interesting to take into account the running times required by the method to justify if the computational cost its reasonable.

First, we depict in Tables 1 and 2 the Average Angular Error (AAE) and the End Point Error (EPE) results for the best settings using the grayscale and colour sequences. The last two columns of these figures show the percentage of error variation between the colour spaces. Observing the results, we can state that the RGB information improves the numerical errors, especially in the Middlebury sequences where most of the amelioration in the EPE exceeds in 5.50% and the AAE in 4%.

Moreover, the enhancement is not so evident in the MPI Sintel sequences. It can be appreciated that, in a few occasions, the colour worsens the EPE. Nevertheless, this deterioration is not excessive and the colour information provides a reasonable improvement in a high percentage of cases, especially in Ambush 5 and Sleeping 1.

The experiments were realized in a computer with the following features: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @2.80GHz. We have used a single core in our tests.

  Grayscale Color (RGB)
Sequence AAE EPE AAE EPE AAE(%) EPE(%)
Grove2 2.198º 0.158 2.169º 0.149 1.34% 2.03%
Grove3 5.971º 0.659 5.661º 0.612 5.48% 7.68%
Hydrangea 2.142º 0.180 2.015º 0.166 6.30% 8.43%
RubberWhale 3.453º 0.103 3.305º 0.097 4.48% 6.18%
Urban2 2.438º 0.359 2.328º 0.340 4.72% 5.59%
Urban3 3.539º 0.386 3.394º 0.401 4.27% -3.74%
Dimetrodon 1.588º 0.083 1.458º 0.074 8.91% 12.16%
Table 1. AAE and EPE for the Middlebury dataset: configurations of the parameters that provide the best average errors.

  Grayscale Color (RGB)
Sequence AAE EPE AAE EPE AAE(%) EPE(%)
Alley 1 3.343º 0.374 3.328º 0.373 0.45% 0.27%
Alley 2 3.100º 0.270 3.065º 0.612 5.48% 7.68%
Ambush 2 31.83º 25.14 31.12º 25.22 2.28% -0.32%
Ambush 4 28.24º 34.73 27.92º 34.72 1.14% 0.03%
Ambush 5 29.59º 2.647 26.91º 2.234 6.80% 18.5%
Ambush 6 12.21º 12.72 11.95º 12.62 2.17% 0.79%
Ambush 7 6.924º 2.072 6.821º 2.152 1.51% -3.72%
Bamboo 1 4.416º 0.307 4.237º 0.291 4.22% 5.50%
Bamboo 2 6.334º 0.706 6.084º 0.665 4.10% 4.11%
Bandage 1 7.367º 1.061 7.262º 1.030 1.44% 3.01%
Bandage 2 9.403º 1.145 9.242º 1.074 1.74% 6.61%
Cave 2 3.219º 1.707 3.166º 1.741 1.67% -3.72%
Cave 4 13.19º 7.810 12.60º 7.681 4.68% 1.68%
Market 2 8.814º 1.561 8.628º 1.607 2.15% -2.86%
Market 5 33.68º 27.37 32.84º 25.08 2.55% 9.13%
Market 6 6.491º 9.245 6.070º 9.036 6.93% 2.31%
Mountain 1 6.500º 1.407 6.296º 1.273 3.24% 10.5%
Shaman 2 6.367º 0.311 6.335º 0.307 0.50% 1.30%
Shaman 3 6.367º 0.508 6.038º 0.520 1.11% -2.31%
Sleeping 1 1.394º 0.113 1.290º 0.104 8.06% 8.65%
Sleeping 2 1.589º 0.706 1.541º 0.070 3.11% 4.47%
Temple 2 7.579º 1.438 7.296º 1.456 3.88% -1.24%
Temple 3 3.165º 0.958 2.991º 0.886 5.82% 8.13%
Table 2. AAE and EPE for the MPI Sintel dataset: configurations of the parameters that provide the best average errors.

On the other hand, the error amelioration is not enough to determine if a multi-channel scheme is justified. Thus, Tables 3 and 4 show the runtimes of each sequence and the percentage of improvement provided by the grayscale with respect to the RGB images. As expected, less information means less execution time. However, the difference is not excessively pronounced and, even, in the case of Ambush 2 sequence, less time is required if we use colour information. This means that, using more information from the images, the algorithm usually converges in less iterations. Moreover, we must consider that the increment in the calculations has only affected the data term, so that more image channels does not mean that the operations grow up proportionally.

Sequence Grayscale Color (RGB) Speed (%)
Grove2 45s 67s 32.83%
Grove3 49s 72s 31.94%
Hydrangea 22s 46s 52.17%
RubberWhale 30s 48s 37.50%
Urban2 50s 72s 30.55%
Urban3 55s 81s 32.10%
Dimetrodon 28s 47s 40.42%
Table 3. Computation time in Middlebury sequences.

Sequence Grayscale Color (RGB) Speed (%)
Alley 1 63s 107s 41.12%
Alley 2 49s 81s 39.51%
Ambush 2 199s 150s -32.67%
Ambush 4 70s 106s 33.96%
Ambush 5 102s 135s 24.45%
Ambush 6 99s 140s 29.29%
Ambush 7 97s 144s 32.64%
Bamboo 1 64s 116s 44.83%
Bamboo 2 79s 108s 26.85%
Bandage 1 89s 128s 30.47%
Bandage 2 93s 128s 27.34%
Cave 2 84s 113s 25.66%
Cave 4 86s 120s 28.33%
Market 2 73s 114s 35.96%
Market 5 205s 205s 0.00%
Market 6 104s 136s 23.53%
Mountain 1 45s 81s 44.45%
Shaman 2 67s 101s 33.66%
Shaman 3 89s 123s 27.64%
Sleeping 1 31s 63s 50.79%
Sleeping 2 36s 68s 47.06%
Temple 2 92s 131s 29.77%
Temple 3 90s 124s 27.42%
Table 4. Computation time in MPI Sintel dataset.